208-376-1701 bryan@bryanyager.com
Below the Deck Matters!

Below the Deck Matters!

First a quote: “The most important thing a captain can do is to see the ship through the eyes of the crew.” Michael Abrashoff I read the book “It’s Your Ship” by Michael Abrashoff more than ten years ago and had it on my recommended reading list for...

First a quote: “Almost all conflict is a result of violated expectations.” – Blaine Lee Good morning and happy Monday! Have you ever started a new job only to discover the job was different than you expected? Have you ever joined a team with anticipation and...
Nefarious… Say What?

Nefarious… Say What?

First a quote: “One forgets words as one forgets names. One’s vocabulary needs constant fertilizing, or it will die.” – Evelyn Waugh Good morning and happy Monday! Over the weekend, while driving to my dad’s to help with weekly chores, I was listening to local...
Pebbles in Your Shoes?

Pebbles in Your Shoes?

First a quote: “Often it isn’t the mountains ahead that wear you out, it’s the little pebble in your shoe.” ― Muhammad Ali Good morning and happy Monday! Do you ever experience minor irritations in your life? How about in your marriage or other important...
Are You Perfect… Yet?

Are You Perfect… Yet?

First a quote: “If you look for perfection, you’ll never be content.” – Leo Tolstoy Good morning and happy Monday! Are you perfect? This seems like such an easy question to answer doesn’t it?  I suspect you answered with an immediate, and emphatic, “No! Of...