by Bryan Yager | Apr 29, 2019 | Attitude, Habits, Leadership, Success
First a quote: “When you choose a habit, you also choose the results of that habit.” – Zig Ziglar I suspect you would be hard-pressed to find many people who would argue, or debate, the truths behind Zig Ziglar’s insightful words of wisdom about habits...
by Bryan Yager | Apr 15, 2019 | Change, Change Leadership, Leadership, Uncategorized
First a quote: “We can change our whole life, and the attitude of people around us, simply by changing ourselves.” – Rudolf Dreikurs When facilitating workshops about change leadership, I often hear managers and leaders talk about how...
by Bryan Yager | Apr 8, 2019 | Emotional Intelligence, Leadership
First a quote: “People can’t drive you crazy if you don’t give them the keys.” — Book title, authored by Mike Bechtle Let’s start with a couple of questions for your consideration; “Is it possible to make another person angry? Can we make another person...
by Bryan Yager | Apr 1, 2019 | Engagement, Influence, Leadership, Position Power and Commitment
First a quote: “The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority.” — Ken Blanchard Many years ago, one of my mentors taught me the following: “Leaders must never be afraid to use their authority in a quest for action and results; and yet,...