Four 30-minute Leadership Webinars
Short * Impactful * Timely!
First a quote: “For new ideas to be translated into new realities requires not only clarity of vision but also the opportunity to change old realities.” – Riane Eisler
Dear friends, I have promised Monday Morning Minute subscribers to not send extra emails or any form of solicitation. I ask for your understanding during this unprecedented time of crisis in our world. I see this email as an offer, hopefully of value to you, rather than a solicitation. I hope you see it the same way.
What is in it for you?
The free webinars I have offered over the last couple of weeks have been well received and many have asked me to make these workshops available more than just once a week. This is in response to those requests. Following is a schedule of webinars through the end of April. Short, to the point, and hopefully, helpful to you as a leader during these difficult times. Two are new, two are being offered again at the request of readers.
My personal request:
This is my effort to help others and make a positive difference in the world. My desire is to help each of us think more deeply about our leadership responsibilities as family & community members, neighbors, colleagues and leaders during this difficult time. My only ask is that you “pay it forward” in any way you’re able.
I would be grateful if you could offer a donation of any size to help us support restaurants while feeding the hungry and homeless. If you’re not able to contribute financially at this time, no problem, there are many ways to support others! Choose what is best for you, the people you touch, the resources you have, where you live and work.

Making Sense of it All! (30 minutes) New!
Who would have imagined as we returned from the holidays in early January that our entire worlds, both public and private, would be so different and out of whack less than 60 days later? None of this chaos seems to make any sense. Yet, each day, we must move ahead, we must find a way to “make sense” of our lives and next steps. We must find our way forward. Together, we’ll explore ideas on this topic.
Registration Required; Click your preferred date to register.
- Making Sense – Thursday, April 16, 2020; 5:58 pm MDT/7:58 pm EDT
- Making Sense – Tuesday, April 21, 2020; 8:58 am MDT/10:58 am EDT
Limited to 100 participants.

No Land in Sight – Leading People in Times of Change; New!
Two-Part Series (30 minutes)
No Land in Sight focuses on four primary leadership responsibilities in times of change. The ideas are simple, practical and actionable, not theoretical or academic. Everyone regardless of position or level will benefit from this message. This presentation is ideal for people who have the responsibility or opportunity to lead others through change of any kind. This has been one of my most popular presentations over the years. Certainly, appropriate now.
Registration Required; Click your preferred date to register.
- Part 1 – Thursday, April 23, 2020; 5:58 pm MDT/7:58 pm EDT
- Part 1 – Monday, April 27, 2020; 1:58 pm MDT/3:58 pm EDT
- Part 2 – Thursday, April 30, 2020; 4:58 pm MDT/6:58 pm EDT
- Part 2 – Monday, May 4, 2020; 1:58 pm MDT/3:58 pm EDT
Limited to 100 participants.

Managing Stress in Stressful Times (30 minutes)
Originally presented on April 9, 2020.
Are you experiencing more stress than ever before? You are not alone, most of us are. That is normal during these difficult times. During our short time together, we will share, and discuss, a simple paradigm shift, enabling you to:
- reduce stress
- Increase your effectiveness
- accomplish more
Registration Required; Click your preferred date to register.
- Managing Stress – Monday, April 20, 2020; 1:58 pm MDT/3:58 pm EDT
- Managing Stress – Friday, April 24, 2020; 1:58 pm MDT/3:58 pm EDT
Limited to 100 participants.

How are you? (30 minutes) Originally presented on April 2, 2020.
Learn about the normal, natural, and predictable stages of emotional transition during times of stress and grief. Most of us are grieving at some level, even if it is the loss of our routines, stability and predictability. The grieving process is something we must go through at our own pace. We simply can’t “get over it,” no matter how badly we desire to do just that. We will highlight leader behavior for each of these phases.
Registration Required; Click your preferred date to register
- How Are You? Tuesday, April 21, 2020; 12:58 pm MDT/2:58 pm EDT
- How Are You? – Friday, April 24, 2020; 8:58 am MDT/10:58 am EDT
Limited to 100 participants